Review Detail

Middle Grade Indie 76
Quality Binding of a Familiar Story
(Updated: September 15, 2024)
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
This is a high-quality binding of a familiar tale, the life of Prophet Yusuf. The text is an adaptation of the Qur'an and chronicles his childhood drama with jealous brothers, time spent in slavery, and eventual rise to key advisor in Egypt where he again encounters his family and chooses to show them forgiveness for all past wrongs.

The look and feel of the physical book set it apart from other editions. Glossy interior pages, the foiled cover, and ribbon bookmark make this a great gift. Calligraphy throughout enhances the story, and while this is not a picture book, interior illustrations add ornamentation to most pages, in the same beautiful style showcased on the cover.

I'm familiar with Yusuf (or Joseph) from the Judeo-Christian context, so I found it easy to follow along. If I didn't have that background, I might say the chapters are a little dense. Many of the pages do have illustrations, but those that don't can be daunting.

This book might be most treasured in religious homes, but it also offers a core story about family, hardship, and forgiveness which are values and experiences shared by everyone.
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