The Buried Symbol (The Runes of Issalia, Book I)

The Buried Symbol (The Runes of Issalia, Book I)
Age Range
Release Date
May 05, 2016

Discover a lost magic, long buried and forgotten…

Without a rune marking his role in society, Brock is doomed to a life below the lowest rung of the social ladder. Unwilling to accept his fate, the teen risks his life to obtain a fake rune that marks him as a member of the Empire's ruling class. He then embarks on a quest to join an institution where the Empire’s future leaders are trained.

As a student of the Academy, he soon uncovers a chain of secrets kept hidden for centuries, secrets that expose cracks in the foundation of Empire society. Among his discoveries is a powerful magic, long buried and forgotten.

Brock’s compassion and sense of justice are seeds that sprout tight friendships and a blossoming romance. An unwillingness to be bullied earns him a dangerous enemy, becoming a feud that escalates to a climactic showdown.

Discover a lost magic, long buried and forgotten…

Without a rune marking his role in society, Brock is doomed to a life below the lowest rung of the social ladder. Unwilling to accept his fate, the teen risks his life to obtain a fake rune that marks him as a member of the Empire's ruling class. He then embarks on a quest to join an institution where the Empire’s future leaders are trained.

As a student of the Academy, he soon uncovers a chain of secrets kept hidden for centuries, secrets that expose cracks in the foundation of Empire society. Among his discoveries is a powerful magic, long buried and forgotten.

Brock’s compassion and sense of justice are seeds that sprout tight friendships and a blossoming romance. An unwillingness to be bullied earns him a dangerous enemy, becoming a feud that escalates to a climactic showdown.

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A Magical and Amazing Story
(Updated: June 09, 2016)
Overall rating
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I loved this book so much that I created a YA Book Central account to write a review. The Buried Symbol, and following books in the series, need to get noticed. If you love YA/fantasy books, stories about magic and discovery, or tales of adventure and romance (yes, there is a little romance), you need to check it out.

Good Points
The world that the author has created is complex, but written in a way that is easy to understand. I love how the author has created a society that revolves around runes, impacting their daily lives and the magic abilities that the main character discovers.

This story is filled with interesting characters, each with distinct personalities. Brock, who is the main character, is likeable and is a good person. When he does the wrong thing, it is with good intention and for the right reasons. It's refreshing to find a main character who you root for so strongly.

The writer does a good job of drawing emotion, making you feel sad for Brock's losses and thrilled for his victories. My favorite aspect about this book is the sense of wonder and discovery that I kept feeling as Brock went through his training at the academy, dug into secret information, and learned how to use the lost magic that he discovered along the way.

I thought that the plot was well-conceived and interesting. There are a number of twists that are totally unexpected, which I love. While most questions I had were answered by the end, those remaining are clearly part of a larger plot and left me greatly anticipating the next book in the series.
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