Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 163
Do you want to be a deutante?
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The Debutantes was a fast-paced thriller that shows the dark and mysterious side of secret societies and the debutante world in New Orleans, filled with these elements as a part of history and culture. The author knows New Orleans – not just the touristy places but also the society and history. The Krewes are the ultimate in rich people's not-so-secret societies, and I love what the author does with them—told from several of the girls' perspectives as they try to find Lily and what truly happened to Margot the night of the ball. This book had so many twists and turns that I was truly surprised by the ending. The mystery is taut and compelling, and the setting is eerie and vivid! If you are looking for a mystery/ thriller that is more on the young adult side. I would highly recommend this book.
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