The Fatal Infiltration: Cyber Twinsters

The Fatal Infiltration: Cyber Twinsters
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Release Date
March 19, 2023
As the clock ticks down, Mkundi and Wenasha must use all their skills to stay one step ahead of their enemies and uncover the truth behind the cyber attacks on their town. In this heart-pounding thriller, the twin sisters must fight to prove themselves and for justice as they race to stop the hacker before it's too late. With unexpected twists and turns at every step.

The Fatal Infiltration: Cyber Twinsters takes you on a suspenseful ride as the twins navigate the dangerous world of cybercrime. With their unique skill set and determination, Mkundi and Wenasha uncover clues that lead them closer to the identity of the hacker. But as they get closer to the truth, they realize that they are in over their heads and must outsmart the hacker before it's too late.

This page-turner is filled with unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Follow the twins as they unravel the mystery of the cyber infiltrator, and witness their bravery and ingenuity as they race against time to save their town from disaster. With a mix of thrilling action, suspenseful drama, and heartwarming moments of sisterly love, The Fatal Infiltration: Cyber Twinsters is a must-read for fans of mystery and technology.

Get ready to join Mkundi and Wenasha on their exciting journey to uncover the truth and bring the hacker to justice.

Editor review

1 review
The dark side of the internet
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What worked:
A potential cyber-attack is a modern problem that will resonate with young readers. The author has a strong interest in creating secure technology and her passion is clearly communicated. The twins first notice a potential cyber-attack in their city so they start investigating on their own. It turns out an attack is in progress and the scale of the impact is much grander than they thought. There is no shortage of suspects to consider, and the security of the entire nation is at risk.
The twins have clearly developed an impressive reputation for solving cyber-crimes but they’re willing to admit they don’t know everything. They previously helped a classmate resolve an issue with cyberbullying and she’s now become proficient with cybersecurity. The twins’ father is an expert with computers so they ask for his help too. A national cybersecurity agency realizes the twins have superior talents of their own and enlist their assistance to thwart the attack. However, joining the team results in unforeseen problems and dangers to complicate the girls’ lives.
The cast combines a variety of characters with different perspectives that create uncertainty about their motives. Can one of the people helping to solve the attack actually be one of the people behind it? The twins are above reproach since they’re the main characters and the head of the cyber division should be honest. However, the cyber unit investigating the attacks includes a former hacker and the twins’ father enlists the help of two more notorious hackers. They seem to want to help but readers will wonder if they might have covert, devious intentions. In addition, hackers are able to manipulate online information so can characters trust the evidence they uncover? What if damning evidence has been planted by the bad guys to implicate someone else?
What didn’t work as well:
There’s a lack of cohesiveness to the chapters as some information is redundant or seems to forget about prior events. Characters draw conclusions but the evidence they’re based on isn’t always shared with readers. The plot lacks detail during important moments, which keeps the story moving quickly, but may leave readers confused or wondering about what just happened.
The Final Verdict:
This book is most appropriate for at least middle-school readers due to the subject matter. All of the characters are high school-age or adults and the entire focus of the story is on computers, technology, and cybercrime. Readers aren’t required to make many inferences and the straightforward explanations may not appeal to all readers. Those with a strong interest in computers and the cyber world will enjoy the book.
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