A young soldier...desperate to return home to help his mother on their family farm, volunteers for their experiments, with unexpected results.
A young girl...taken from her family, abused, and handed over for a life of servitude is called to join the experiments.
Can these two young heroes overcome their fears to stand against such a great evil? Read The Force of Magic to find out.
- Blending magical fantasy adventure, with super heroes and villains, this is a fantasy story unlike anything you've ever read.
- Book One of the Trilogy - Book Two is coming mid-2023 and Book Three in time for Christmas 2023.
- A fantasy world to get lost in
- You begin to ask yourself what a hero really is, and what you would be willing to do for freedom
- This genre isn't my usual choice, but I started reading and it's gripping!
- The story is very character driven and I want to know what happens