The Grand Hotel of Feelings

The Grand Hotel of Feelings
Publisher Name
Cicada Books
Age Range
Release Date
September 05, 2023
A delightfully imaginative picture book that is both a fun read-aloud and also a great way to engage children in conversations about managing emotions.
Welcome to the Grand Hotel of Feelings, where all kinds of feelings come and stay. Every guest has unique needs. Anger, for example, is very loud and needs plenty of space to scream and shout. Sadness speaks in a small voice and occasionally floods the bathroom. Gratitude likes wandering about in nature; you never know when she might come and sit by your side.

Some feelings are big and some are small, some are fun and some are tricky, but no feeling is ever turned away. At the Grand Hotel of Feelings, there is room for everyone!

Editor review

1 review
An Incredibly Imaginative Look at Emotions
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
I loved this book dearly. I first picked it up, without researching it, thinking it may be some how related to The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. I was wrong, but delightedly so!

The Grand Hotel of Feelings explores all the emotions children may be feeling at any given time, as well as ways to handle those overwhelming emotions.

The idea of the feelings being guests at a hotel was absolutely adorable and incredibly unique.

The illustrations are wonderful. Each page takes you on an explorations of individual feeling, what their room is like, where its located, and how they are managed. The illustrations appears as if done by a child in crayon, and is one of my top favorite things about The Grand Hotel of Feelings.
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