The Kid with Big, Big Ideas (The Big, Big Series, 3)

The Kid with Big, Big Ideas (The Big, Big Series, 3)
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Jacob Souva
Publisher Name
Beaming Books
Age Range
Release Date
August 29, 2023
"There once was a kid with glittery nails
who always wore colorful socks,
and all around town, this child was known
for thinking outside of the box."
Following the bestselling The Boy with Big, Big Feelings and The Girl with Big, Big Questions comes a new story about a kid with ideas so big and wild that grown-ups often dismiss them. What if we could be mermaids and swim to school? What if we could teach pets to talk? What if we could make the world safe and inclusive for everyone?

This innovative kid doesn't stop there, and with the help of their supportive Gran, they come up with the biggest idea yet. In a world that so often dismisses and excludes kids from decision-making, this book boldly suggests that not only should kids have a voice, but that their ideas just might be the ticket to making progress.

Editor review

1 review
Positive Message
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The Kid with Big, Big Ideas is an inspiring read about thinking outside of the box for social change. The kid uses they/them pronouns which would keep the text neutral for anyone to imagine themselves using their big ideas to make the world better. This book has a positive message about believing in yourself and encouraging kids to see themselves as capable of bringing change. Overall, this is an uplifting story with a positive message.
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