The Land of Ah: Book One: Autumn and the Octopus

The Land of Ah: Book One: Autumn and the Octopus
Publisher Name
The Main One Publishing
Age Range
Release Date
June 18, 2024
Autumn Harris has the chance of a lifetime. The fifteen-year old has received a coveted invitation to join the maiden voyage of a new line of luxury airships. Their mission: circumnavigate the Earth from pole to pole, beginning by flying over Antarctica.

But the pleasure cruise becomes a life-threatening experience when Autumn and the other passengers find themselves in a strange, unknown land cut off from the rest of the world. In this mysterious realm they encounter previously undiscovered animals and plants. Most incredible is the tribe known as The Ah that have a prophecy that foretold the coming of Autumn and her new friends.

The Ah ask Autumn to help them retrieve something precious In her way stands not only her self-doubt, but dangerous wild animals and a sinister group with powerful weapons. Despite her skepticism, Autumn must learn to expand her mind and view of reality if she is to help the tribe or ever find her way back home.

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