This traditional story, retold by Kugaaruk Elder Levi Illuitok, tells the tale of a Inuk boy who is adopted by little folk―a magical race of small Arctic people called inugarulliit. The boy’s adopted parents finally allow him to go hunting, where he catches a lemming. The little folk use their abilities to turn the lemming into a polar bear, and the catch is stored at their iglu. The boy’s parents are proud that their son can provide lots of meat to share with the community. This is a magical introduction to a traditional Inuit story for young readers.
- Books
- Kids Fiction & Indies
- Kids Indie
- The Little Folk (Inuit Folktales)
The Little Folk (Inuit Folktales)
Publisher Name
Inhabit Media
Age Range
Release Date
September 12, 2023
Editor review
1 review
Fantastical and Whimsical
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
This is an interesting piece of Inuk Folklore.
The story shows the difference in perspective, and seeing things a little differently than others. It is very fantastical in nature, and the children really enjoyed it!
The glossary and pronunciation guide at the end of the book were greatly appreciated!
The illustrations are cute and done in cool tones to match the frozen landscape!
The story shows the difference in perspective, and seeing things a little differently than others. It is very fantastical in nature, and the children really enjoyed it!
The glossary and pronunciation guide at the end of the book were greatly appreciated!
The illustrations are cute and done in cool tones to match the frozen landscape!
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