The Mighty Pollinators (Step Gently, Look Closely)

The Mighty Pollinators (Step Gently, Look Closely)
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
March 26, 2024
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Veteran collaborators return with a feast of fresh, whimsical poems and truly dazzling close-up photographs of mighty pollinators doing what they do best.

Have you noticed, on a summer’s day, the fine powder at the heart of a flower or floating on a breeze? What is pollen, and why does it matter? Almost invisible, pollen waits for the one thing it needs: a ride on the wind—or on wings, fur, or feathers. That’s where pollinators come in, small and mighty, holding the world together with their work. Soft, shimmering photographs saturated with color evoke the busy world of bees, butterflies, bats, and moths—and many lesser-known species—at arrestingly close range. Playful poems encourage the reader to look closely, to marvel, and most of all, to care, while concise back matter underscores the vital role these creatures play in the ecosystem and the ways we can help pollinators help us. A seventh seamless blend of poetry, nonfiction, and captivating photography from the dynamic duo behind Step Gently Out, The Mighty Pollinators belongs in every classroom—and in the hands of any curious child eager to understand nature and its wonders.

Editor review

1 review
Joyful Exploration
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
The Mighty Pollinators zooms in for a close look at the insects that help pollinate flowers. The photographs are wonderful to look closely at the common pollinators that drive our ecosystem. The words are poetic and convey a sense of wonder and precious duty that these creatures perform in helping flowers reproduce. This book would be a lovely addition to a study of flowers, insects, and ecosystems. The back matter gives more scientific explanations about what the insects are doing to help plants and the reason that is important to help protect them. There could have been more emphasis on the dangers of weedkillers the crisis that bees are in and the implications to our wellbeing but that would have detracted from the joyful exploration that this book highlighted for young readers.
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