The Only Way to Make Bread

The Only Way to Make Bread
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
October 03, 2023
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A delicious exploration of all kinds of breads, from sourdough to bannock to bao, that will tickle your taste buds and warm your heart.

What's the only way to make bread?

You might use white flour in your bread, or whole wheat flour or corn flour.

You might use water or milk, maybe an egg or two.

You'll use a handful of this, a dash of that, a bit of this and a splash of that.

Some dough will rise, some dough will bubble. Sometimes it will be sticky, sometimes it will be shaggy.

What's the only way to make bread?

Your way!

This tasty celebration of all kinds of bread will tempt bread lovers big and small. No matter what kind of bread YOU like to make, this book is for you!

Editor review

1 review
There's Only One Way to Make Bread
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I don't think there was anything about The Only Way to Make Bread that I didn't enjoy.

At its heart, The Only Way to Make Bread is a wonderful book about diversity and fellowship; bread is bread, however there are a multitude of different varieties, colors, shapes, and sizes. all that matters is that it is made with love.

I love the nostalgia of this children's book. This is a children's book that invites you into and sits you by the warm hearth making you feel cozy and right at home.
The author includes information on different types of breads, which makes for a great conversation starter with your children about different cultures, history, and the like. Plus, she added two recipes for children to make with their "favorite adult." We haven't tried them to date, but look forward to some time together to do so.

The illustrations are just lovely. Gonzales did such a wonderful job capturing the different emotion shown by each character! I love the way she captured the feeling of mixing ingredients together, kneading the dough, and of course pulling freshly baked bread out of the oven.
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