The Remarkables: The Most Incredible Children I’ve Met- So Far!

The Remarkables: The Most Incredible Children I’ve Met- So Far!
Publisher Name
Gecko Press
Age Range
Release Date
September 10, 2024
Meet 38 extraordinary children: an electric child, a flying child, elastic, invisible, miniature, a child made of cake.
Each child describes their characteristics, tells anecdotes, and presents the special powers that make them unique. A "class photo" brings everyone together with a quiz finale for readers to discover their own superpowers.

The Remarkables is a big book of fantasy and humor that entertains and provides a way to talk about emotions and identity. Through Perrin's unique imagination, this inclusive encyclopedia celebrates individuality, strengths, and differences, allowing every reader to explore what miraculous superpower they would wish for―or might have.

Known for her original lift-the-flap explorations of fairytale stories, Perrin here turns the lens onto her child readers, showing each one that they are a superhero.

Editor review

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What worked:
This book is what results from talking to kids, being imaginative, and sprinkling in a good dose of hyperbole. Each page describes a different type of personality with characteristics depicted as superpowers. At first glance, some of the children sound very similar but the author finds nuances to make them unique. The Sticky Child and The Rooted Child both become easily attached to others but the second one’s connections are limited to family. Several of the children have powers related to excessive energy while others are adorable and special to their families and friends. Readers will find themselves trying to match their personalities with the different characters and they’ll likely find they share traits with several of them.
The colorful pictures illustrate the different children and highlight their superpowers. Most pages include a large image of a child with many smaller pictures surrounding it. They show the child in various situations to highlight his/her abilities. The Springy Child is shown leaping to catch birds, bonking his head on the ceiling, and becoming the Springy Child after being startled by an alarm clock. Some pages are reminiscent of comic strips and show different characters spending time together. A meal with the Thunder Child and the Electric Child has unexpected consequences. The Immaterial Child and the Diamond Child have a curious game of hide and seek. The illustration of the Scribbly Child is especially entertaining as his form is created by literally scribbling lines into a human shape. The smaller drawings display his messiness and creativity, and how his muddled thinking might make him hard to understand.
What didn’t work as well:
As mentioned, the descriptions for several of the characters sound very similar and it may be challenging to notice their differences. However, all of the children are uniquely amusing and interesting no matter how their descriptions are worded.
The final verdict:
The exceptional personalities presented are varied, comical, and charming. The fun part of the book is trying to discover which ones best fit the readers’ self-images or wondering which superpower best pairs with their friends. Overall, this book is pleasurable and creative and I recommend you give it a shot.
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