Review Detail

Middle Grade Non-Fiction 458
Wickedly entertaining
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
Okay, Im so terrible. I read this book as part of the Cybils Non-Fiction panel back in 2006 (though, hey, the original copyright is 2003&it was out in the UK way before it came to America in Sept. 2006). And I loved it. But I never got around to reviewing it, what with one thing and another.

The Wicked History of the World is a super-entertaining book. Its history with the nasty bits left in (i.e. the blood, the guts, and the treachery). In fact, it is such an entertaining read that my husband actually read it while it was lying around the house. And he never picks up any of my review books (well, very, very infrequently), preferring to read adult non-fiction instead. While this is non-fiction and packed with strange and bloody tid-bits of information, it definitely has lots of kid appeal.

Theres actually a whole series of books by this author on historically bloody history. Many of those books tackle a particular topic and delve deep (like the Terrible Tudors, if I remember correctly). This one is more like a compendium of dastardly historical knowledge, covering everything from the early Egyptians to torture in the Middle Ages to more recent (and equally wicked) wars.

The illustrations are as quirky as the authors voice and just as entertaining. If youve got a kid with an interest in history but a mind that sometimes wanders to other things (or heck, no interest in history), try this book on them. You just might find yourself with a history fiend on your hands.

Recommended for readers aged 9 and up. This book wont necessarily help you write your history reports, but it will be interesting and fun.
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