Review Detail

Kids Fiction 360
Ode to Essential Workers Everywhere!
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Veo, Veo, I See You is a good reminder of the people who keep our community running. Most of us at this point can remember and have our own stories of lessons learned during the pandemic just a few years ago. However, the children that are starting to be old enough to be in this book’s reading age range and the generations that come after will not know without books like these. In an age-appropriate way, the author shows siblings going through the city with their mother to deliver a meal to elderly family members while restaurants are closed. Along the way, they play a game of I Spy to see the people who can’t stop working and stay home because they have essential jobs that keep the community safe, healthy, and running. Many jobs saw very little respect before we were all sent home and we began to realize that without factory workers, drivers, etc. we do not have a viable way of life. This book has a touching tribute to all the essential workers out there so we don’t forget again. Spanish and English are intermingled in such a way that you don't have to be fluent to understand what is happening. Overall, this is a book with a good message and will become more impactful as we continue to move further away from 2020 to teach the younger generations a piece of world history in a way they can understand.
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