Video Chat with Myra McEntire

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Hey everyone! Welcome to another stop on the Timepiece Blog Tour! 

If you haven’t yet heard about Timepiece, the sequel to Hourglass by Myra McEntire, here’s a taste of what it’s about:

A threat from the past could destroy the future.

Kaleb Ballard was never supposed to be able to see ripples–cracks in time. Are his powers expanding, or is something very wrong? Before he can find out, Jonathan Landers, the man who tried to murder his father, reappears. Why is he back, and what, or whom, does he want?

In the wake of Landers’s return, the Hourglass organization is given an ultimatum by a mysterious man. Either they find Landers and the research he has stolen on people who might carry the time gene, or time will be altered–with devastating results for the people Kaleb loves most. Now Kaleb, Emerson, Michael, and the other Hourglass recruits have no choice but to use their extraordinary powers to find Landers. But where do they even start? And when? Even if they succeed, just finding him may not be enough …

The follow-up to Hourglass, Timepiece blends the paranormal, science fiction, mystery, and suspense genres into a nonstop thrill ride where every second counts.

Not only does that sound awesome, but the sequel is truly just as great as the first. 

My part of the tour includes a video interview with Myra, which is filled with hilarious stories, insight into writing Timepiece, and a lot of giggling. In fact, Myra makes me actually CACKLE several times. And I apologize in advance because it ain’t pretty. 

Watch the video below, sit back and enjoy, then make sure to enter the giveaway for a Timepiece poster! (The entry form is below.) 

Find Myra here: Her Website | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook | Goodreads | YouTube

Click here to visit all the blogs involved in the tour! 

Order Timepiece from these retailers:
Indiebound HERE!
Barnes and Noble HERE!
Amazon HERE!
Book Depository HERE!
BooksAMillion HERE!


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11 thoughts on “Video Chat with Myra McEntire”

  1. Susan Light says:

    Been desperately waiting on this book since I read Hourglass this June. One of my favorite books of 2012!

  2. Claire Johnson says:

    So excited for everyone to read TIMEPIECE. And the school visit story = amazing! 🙂

  3. OH. MY GOODNESS. That school story. xD Dear biscuits, that’s so awful and wonderful all at the same time! MY high school would’ve responded much better. Mainly because my high school consisted of me and my brother. (Past tense, since I’m in college now). Okay, so fine, HALF of my high school would’ve responded better.
    Though if someone could convince my brother to start craving books like I do, I would pay them ridiculously large amounts of money. Which I don’t have. But summer’s coming up, and lemonade stands are gonna be in soon, so…

  4. Jordan E. says:

    I always forget when I’m in mixed company that it actually isn’t normal to be as obsessed with Doctor Who and/or Vampire Diaries as I am.

  5. Jill Kaplan says:

    I loved Timepiece so much! I can’t wait to read Infinityglass…I’m praying it will be on Netgalley, even if there won’t be ARCs. Thanks Myra and everyone participating in the tour!

  6. Vivien says:

    I seriously cannot wait for Timepiece!! What a great video 🙂 My Vampire Diaries withdrawals are in full force 🙁

  7. bn100 says:

    Very fun trailer.

  8. Ellen Trieu says:

    Hi! I haven’t read Hourglass yet unfortunately, but I have heard great things about it! I can’t wait to read both books! (:

  9. DB Graves says:

    Yet another reason why Miss Myra is one of my favorite peeps. Awesomsauce. [i]Timepiece[/i] is on pre-order and I cannot wait!! Thanks for the crazy cool interview MG!

  10. Nicholette Tilghman says:

    Hidy ho there I LOVE her adorable accent! Can’t wait to read these you are both SO CUTE *yes this is a run-on sentence because that’s what people do with uber-cuteness*.

  11. Nicholette Tilghman says:

    And by golly, Mandy’s CACKLE is quite adorable.

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