We, the Curious Ones

We, the Curious Ones
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
November 07, 2023
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Shimmering poetry and stunning cut-paper art portray epic concepts—the evolving biography of the universe and the symbiotic relationship between science and story.

Since the beginning, humans have created stories about the universe. From early mythology to modern-day science is a long journey, yet 95 percent of the world “out there” remains a mystery. What will we believe tomorrow? Marion Dane Bauer’s glowing poetry combines with Hari & Deepti’s intricate cut-paper illustrations, dazzling with light and shadow, to celebrate an active, vital, changing, and growing universe. They also show how we humans—the curious ones, the storytellers—are active, vital, changing, and growing, too. In a comprehensive afterword, the author tracks formative contributions to the study of the universe by Western and non-Western civilizations over the centuries.

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We, The Curious Ones is a gorgeously illustrated book with lyrical prose celebrating and exploring our evolving understanding of the universe through history. The illustrations are inspiring and fitting for a book about space and our place in the cosmos. In a sweeping journey through time, we get a glimpse of origin myths all the way through to our current understanding. I love the connection to storytelling and how our identity as humans is incorporated into our views of the cosmos. The back matter gives a more detailed account of our evolving understanding giving a deeper understanding of the story. This book inspires awe and sets us free to be curious while grounding us in our shared human history. Overall, this is a book that inspires big thoughts and deeper research perfect for third and fourth grade readers.
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