Where Oceans Burn

Where Oceans Burn
Age Range
Release Date
October 13, 2022
When winged warrior of the sky kingdom Elira is injured in a ferocious battle, she tumbles into the sea and into the arms of her sea-dwelling enemy. She expects him to drag her into the depths and savor the sight of her drowning. Instead, he saves her, reluctantly honors his word to guard her, and a slow truce kindles something the ages have never seen and may not be ready for…

Editor review

1 review
A Well Written Tale
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Elira is injured in battle and ends up almost dying. Rescued by Crest, an enemy, she is surprised when he saves her instead of killing her. Though they hate each other, they soon learn that they must work together if they are going to survive.
I liked the relationship between Elira and Crest, there is real hostility between them at first, but slowly, they learn to trust each other, at least a little. The plot is well-written and the author had created an impressive world.
The book could have easily worked as adult fiction too, there are so many layers to it. At times, Elira could be a little frustrating to read, but she has been through a lot and she is mostly trying to protect herself.
An engaging and entertaining book. I would definitely recommend it.
Good Points
Slow Burn Romance
Enemies To Lovers
Epic Battles
Great Worldbuilding
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