Review Detail

Learn How Animals Sleep and More
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
This book explores how different animals go to sleep, from giraffes to sea creatures to common ants. But that's not all - in addition to those slumbering facts there's general facts about each animal as well, such as their preferred habitat and diet.

While this is non-fiction, the illustrations show off a sly humor and expressive style that's much more engaging than a science book. The attention to detail and fun reminds me of Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day, and similar books.

All text is spread out across the page, with no more than one or two sentences together. I like how this is less daunting than paragraphs for beginning readers, although it also means there is little overall flow in the text. On the other hand, it also means one can jump around the page and enjoy in any order.

Pick this up to learn a little about various animals and have some fun along the way.
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