Review Detail

Enchanting and Fun
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In the second book to The Wurtherington Diary, Tammy gets to travel through time to make sure the signing of the Declaration of Independence happens before history is changed forever! While reading about Tammy’s adventures you get to meet all the important people that were a part of creating America’s history.

Tammy and the Declaration of Independence is a great way for children to learn about the forging of our nation’s independence. While I am currently reading an adult biography on Benjamin Franklin, this book was a fun addition to my reading. In book 2, Tammy notices that thinks are a bit off; the flag looks different and British soldiers are marching in the street! Never mind the reaction when she mentions saying the pledge, the whole world seems to be going crazy.
Tammy then realizes her mission is to go back in time. In this new reality she has found herself in, Thomas Paine never wrote Common Sense With the help of her friends, Tammy, Cedric, Zeke, and Ming Alred of Kira, go off on a heroic adventure to set history straight.

Reynold Jay has another amazing writer and the illustrations, again, bring everything to life. I declare this is a fun read for all ages. Just like the first book in the Wurtherington Diary series, this one is sure to find a spot on my children’s bookshelves.
Good Points
Beautiful illustrations
Great way to learn about historical facts
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