Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 559
Uncover the Secrets of the Ancient Maya
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Max Murphy has the worst parents on the planet. Both of his parents are Maya archaeologists and their idea of a fun summer trip is going off on a dig in San Xavier, leaving Max behind in Boston. Max is furious that his parents have abandoned their original summer plans for Italy, and are instead sending him to brat camp! Sometimes Max thinks his parents care more about the Maya than they do about him.

Only a few days after his parents, Max discovers a plane ticket waiting for him on the table. Zia, their housekeeper tells him that his parents have sent for him. Max is jubilated - maybe his parents do love him after all! But all his excitement quickly seeps away when he sees what awaits him in San Xavier. It turns out that his parents have disappeared and they need Maxs help to save him! Max is sent to stay with his uncle and he desperately needs to figure out how to find his parents. All clues point to ancient Maya mythology, but none of that is true&right?

When Max meets Lola, he begins to learn all of the truth behind the Maya myths. It will be hard, but if Max wants to save his parents, he needs to keep an open-mind and learn all he can about the Ancient Maya. According to the Maya calendar, the God of Death will begin his reign in a few days. And unless he can save his parents before then, they might be lost forever! As Max learns to live in the rainforest and depend on himself for survival, he is far from the stuck-up city kid he was when he arrived.

Before he realizes it, Max is so caught up in this Maya adventure that theres no turning back. Theres more than his parents lives at stake now, the whole world is depending on him to stop the Tzelek and the Maya Lords of Death from controlling all of Middleworld.

Jon and Pamela Voelkel do an amazing job of weaving the stories of the Maya into a modern day thriller. I learned so much about the Maya without even realizing it! It is clear that they are experts on the Maya. The Voelkels are great about explaining all of the gods and Maya beliefs so all of the new information is not overwhelming at all. This book is the perfect bait to get a videogamer to turn off the tv and read! This book has much more action than any movie or videogame could ever offer. And if you love Jaguar Stones: Book One Middleworld, youll be glad to know that the Voelkels have two more installments in the works!
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