A Way to the Stars

A Way to the Stars
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
November 07, 2023
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Hans Christian Andersen Award winner David Almond conjures the imaginative bond between a father and son as they pool their resources to defeat gravity and realize a dream.

Joe is starstruck, determinedto find his way up, up, up to the magical lights in the night sky. “In your dreams!” his pals say. But when Joe and his dad put their heads and hearts together, there’s no stopping them. Together they climb ladders, construct towers, and launch rockets in a tireless quest to reach the unreachable. Airy and playful, Gill Smith’s dynamic illustrations perfectly complement David Almond’s ebullient tale of sky-high courage—and the power of the imagination to pilot a dream—in a picture book adventure for stargazers and sidekicks of all ages.

Editor review

1 review
Special Bond between Father and Son
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In A WAY TO THE STARS, a boy wants to go to space. I love that when his friends dismiss him, his father finds time to try to help. None of their ideas help them into the space, but the time together having fun and bonding is heartwarming to behold. I love that this book shows a supportive father figure and the special bond that father and son can have. The illustrations are fun and their adventures are engaging. Overall, this is a fun read for early elementary that explores themes of family, support, and dreaming big.
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